5 important aspects to consider with your web development

5 important aspects to consider with your web developer -

Easy and secure checkout options

It is important to start e-commerce optimization efforts at the checkout flow. Gains made here will result in a great user experience and thereby ensuring greater customer traction. It comes as no surprise that the checkout page is from where most customers exit the site. All efforts should be made to keep the design of the checkout page absolutely top-notch. Visit us for Custom Software Development Company in USA

 Some measures to improve the checkout page on your website include:

• Making the “Add to Cart” function clear and visible.

• Make it easy for visitors to change or remove items from the cart.

• Streamline the registration process for new users.

• On the checkout page, ask for the easiest information first.

 Theme matching the company branding

 Imagine you logged into the Nike website, looking for a pair of sneakers. Here you find the website with a completely different theme than what you remember of the store. The famed Nike tick mark seemed completely amiss. You would obviously grow suspicious of the theme of this website and would rather not spend money here. There you have it. Nike just lost a customer because their website theme did not match what they had at the store.

 This example just illustrates how important it is for brands to ensure that they maintain the same theme across all their platforms. This is something that even the web designer you hire for your project needs to understand. Having the same theme also ensures your credibility, so that buyers feel safe even when they move to your online store. Contact us for Mobile App Development Services

 Payment gateway

 The payment gateway basically acts as a middle entity between the e-commerce site and the client. Having a fast and secure payment gateway ensures that the customer has the most hassle-free experience while at the same time knowing his money is secure. When choosing a payment gateway with the web designer, it is important to consider these factors:

• A payment gateway should preferably be globally acceptable.

• The payment gateway should be of the highest data security standards.

• Analyse the charges and fees that will be deducted per transaction.

• What payment method does the Gateway support?

• Lastly, what type of business does the gateway support?

Mobile compatibility and experience (AMP)

Transactions taking place on mobile phones have such a significant share, that they now have a segment of their own, sometimes commonly referred to as “m-commerce”.

• 65% of smartphone users have made a purchase online using their mobile devices in the last 6 months.

• The share of mCommerce in all e-commerce is expected to rise to 70% by 2021.

These statistics only prove that all efforts must be made during the design stage itself to ensure the website is mobile compatible. It is also important to check the mobile responsiveness of the website from different devices to ensure maximum compatibility.

 Support/Order Tracking/Refunds

 An easy to navigate web page with a proper layout, to help guide users towards exactly what they need is a great way to keep your customers satisfied. For an e-commerce site, the next step to keeping your customers engaged after a purchase is to ensure proper support and order tracking capabilities.

Another major factor that dictates where e-commerce customers choose to shop is the existence or lack of a fair and comprehensive return policy. This should be closely incorporated in the business model as well as the design of the website. Studies have shown that generous return policies increase sales without increasing the volume of returns. For more information visit us!

